Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Spaced out O.o

Moving on in life.
I thought I had it all. The perfect life. I believed that I could make it work, and they say when you truly believe, it happens. It did but then I stopped believing and there deep down it lay, doubt . Now what?

Now I move on, cz that is what they say
But who are they?
The right
The known
The ones who stand to judge
Every kite that I've flown
No, it's not just them
I like to put blame
For wanting something more
Not on myself but on the unknown.

I am not looking for a new job
Jobless I am indeed
But I look for a new life
I have lived one, now I want another
I wasn't too fast
I just skipped a few beats
And landed in empty space
It doesn't feel wrong
It doesn't feel right
It feels as it should...

Feelings, we all have
Confused, we are all at times
Lonely is what you always would be
For your mind plays games
You are not loved if you don't feel it
You don't love if you can't express
Your heart just beats
The brain loves in distress..

Oh what play !
The games of the mind
One can think for hours
And think of nothing
Yet satisfaction comes from within
From some nameless place
It hovers and goes away
To what they call the unconscious
Is it there where it stays?
No for the unconscious is deep
It would not make it out if it were there
It stays within
Within is what you know nothing about
It's just a hint
Always would be.  

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