Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Another rape? So much for being human.

 What is it but bricks and walls, I sit here and type thinking of comfort and safety, but the door through which I go out into the world, let's them in too. If it happened in the bus how can it not happen in my house. The whole world is outside my house and that girl had no help, what makes you feel safe inside your house when you are alone? It happened in a bus. I mean wtf what is next on the footpath? Gross as it is, it's the reality and a question that we face today. What can we possibly do about it? At least be concerned and care for your fellow human beings who deserve to be safe as much as you do. I know my feelings are the least that matter right now but I do feel unsafe in my own country like more than ever and it's a shame. Be safe people this isn't the first time it happened and I am worried it's not the last. 

I am not one of the most up to date person. I try not to form opinions because they don't last but can this be avoided? Rapes have happened in the past and people have always been against it. People have rights to property and the government can ensure it's safety. It's easier I guess to take care of property since it stays put but imagine a girl staying put on the road for that long. Could they ensure her safety even then? 

Being a girl has it's drawbacks but I did not choose to be one, to feel the humiliation, the loss of personal space, it was natural selection and hence here I am, a woman who is shaken and sad.

I have a thousand things to point out but I am just another insignificant ghost, whose thoughts don't count. I don't run the country but what I do is believe and hope, which have been shattered and to think about the girl who was the victim to this heinous act, I hope she gets around it and finds everything that one needs to be happy. I don't know the right words but being the girl next door I seek for a savior, where is my God now? I don't like this, I don't want this and I want it to end, I want people to think to feel to reason and yet how does it matter what I want, what matters is how much we all want it to end,and if every person has similar feelings humanity would be restored. Till then I am sorry to say but the joy we find in other's little acts of kindness means nothing. These bastards would sustain on our delusions, and who these bastards are, could be anyone, we still don't know, so much for being a human.